Tuesday, May 4, 2010

korea is dynamic

They kept telling us in orientation that Korea is dynamic. Scary how many times I find myself thinking they were so right. Here's an example:

All of the kids except 6th graders had a field trip all day, but I teach 6th graders today, so I had planned all of my classes.

Yesterday - I get told that since Wednesday there is no school (Children's Day), forget about my lesson plan and make up a fun game to play.

1st period - Kids show up and we play pictionary the whole time
2nd period - No one comes to class. My co-teacher and I ask and the 6th graders have decided to play games outside instead of attending 2nd and 3rd period. We then proceed to make bets on whether they will show up for 4th period. We spend the time eating some lunches that the teachers forgot to bring on the field trip.
4th period - No kids again. I lose the bet and now have to buy ice cream for my co-teacher.
5th period - One of the 6th grade teachers asks me to help him use the English Center projector system. They are watching Avatar. I stay and watch for a few hours.
7th Period - Kids do not show up for my afterschool class, but at least I wasn't expecting them to. I go play ping pong with some teachers for the rest of the day.

Best day ever. The End

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