Friday, October 1, 2010


During my summer vacation, my family (minus Nick) came to visit me in Busan for a few days. They really enjoyed seeing where I have been living this year. I took them to my favorite restaurants and sites around. They also came into school one day when I was teaching summer camp. The kids were a little freaked out at first to see a whole family of foreigners, but it turned out just fine.

After 3 days in Busan, we flew to Beijing. I would not want to live in Beijing - too noisy, polluted, crowded - but it was packed with history and famous sites to see. We did an all inclusive 4 day tour which took us to Tienanmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, a jade factory, a silk factory, a pearl market, a Kung Fu show, and the Great Wall. It was a very busy week but super fun, and it was great seeing my family.

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