Friday, March 26, 2010


you can type in Korean on the computers here. check it out. pretty cool

안녕하새요 전은 주 아두치 임니다.

"Hello, I am Joe Adducci"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where In The World Game
View more presentations from Joseph Adducci.

This is a game I made for my 6th grade students who are learning ordinal numbers and how to ask where someone is from.

--fyi none of the animations uploaded when I put this on blogger.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Koreans work very hard. One of the things they work hard at is translating into English. Sometimes it works, other times there are spelling mistakes but you can still get the general idea:

and then there are times where you just scratch your head:
These are a frequent occurrence, so I will be putting an album together. For now browse through this site for a taste of life over here:


Sooo apparently my computer does not like uploading vidoes. Until further notice, I have them on my youtube page so click the link below to watch. Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll try to figure this out soon.

Joe's youtube

Friday, March 12, 2010

End of orientation

Done with orientation! They closed it out with a few different Korean traditional performances. The video is a little long, but I didn't want to cut out anything important. My favorite is the last one, where the guys have the scarf things on their heads. When this was done, they invited all of us on stage to dance with them which was really fun.

Hope the quality is ok, I shot these videos with my digital camera. Enjoy.

Jeonju Closing Ceremony

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Full Moon festival

This is the annual Korean festival held all over the country to celebrate the first full moon of the lunar calendar. It is hard to see but thousands of people showed up to watch the moonrise, bonfire, and traditional dance, fly kites, and make wishes for the new year. Many people were writing these down on paper and either burying them in the sand or burning them.

This is my first attempt at editing video and all, so hope you like it.


Click on my Picasa link to see my orientation album---->>>

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Talent show!

Singing a little Sinatra at the talent show during orientation.


Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay but as you can imagine, its been a crazy few weeks.  When we first arrived in Korea, all of the new teachers had a 10 day orientation in Jeonju at the university.  You can check out my picasa photo album from orientation by clicking the link on the right side of this page.  Most of the pictures are from the day we went on a field trip to the traditional Korean village in town.

My program also put together some performances so I will post a few videos here when I have some time to figure that out. 

My attempted blog form Europe did not work out as well as I hoped, so this time I am going to try to post more videos and other media, so we can see if that works.